Featured Products

Introduction to Talk to the Entities

$100 USD

How much energy do you use to block your awareness of the spirit world?

Who was actually scared of entities, you or someone you grew up with?

Talk to The Entities is the introduction to seeing the world in a whole new way.

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Introduction to Talk to the Entities

$100 USD

How much energy do you use to block your awareness of the spirit world?

Who was actually scared of entities, you or someone you grew up with?

Talk to The Entities is the introduction to seeing the world in a whole new way.

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TTTE - House Clearing A-Z

$350 USD

Discover the secrets to clearing any funky vibes from houses, buildings, or land!

These tools are so simple yet powerful, they'll transform any space.

Ready to be wowed by how much ease and space you can create?

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TTTE -Communicating with Entities

$350 USD

Communication is so vital for facilitating and dealing with the spirit world yet so many people are completely oblivious to its power and ease.

Learn the simple and practical TTTE® tools using the dynamic TTTE® Communication Flow Chart!

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Introduction to Talk To The Entities 2023

$100 USD

How much energy do you use to block your awareness of the spirit world?   

Who was actually scared of entities, you or someone you grew up with?

Talk to The Entities is the introduction to seeing the world in a whole new way.

What if the spirit world was not something to fear but rather something to work with and around?

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Knowing Your True Self - Clearing Loop

$125 USD

Embark on a journey of self-discovery, shedding layers of conditioning and beliefs that no longer serve you.

An invitation to embrace your innate power and create a life filled with abundance, authenticity, and clarity.

Are you ready to explore the depths of your true self and unlock your limitless potential with this transformative tool?

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Beyond Death

$125 USD

In this exploration, you'll embark on a journey of consciousness and awareness, delving into the realms of the unknown. This product invites you to consider alternative perspectives on death, ones that embrace curiosity and open-mindedness.

Imagine the freedom that comes from letting go of the fear of death and embracing the possibilities that may exist beyond it. What if death were a doorway to a new and uncharted dimension of existence?

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Intuitive Insight - Unlocking Your Inner Wisdom

$125 USD

This masterclass is set to illuminate your path towards self-realization. It is an empowering one-hour session dedicated to help you awaken the profound, intuitive understanding that resides within you. This isn't about acquiring new external information, but rather activating the deep-seated wisdom you already possess.

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Transforming Doubt - Clarity Night

$125 USD

This experience is all about empowering you to trust your innate knowing, to recognize your true path, and to acknowledge the extraordinary awareness within you.

Are you ready to uncover your limitless possibilities? Join us and step into a world where 'more' is not just a word; it's a reality waiting to be embraced." 🌟

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Remembering Your Superpowers


Imagine tapping into your unique superpowers - whether it's intuition, creativity, resilience, or something entirely unique to you. This guided visualization is an invitation to embrace your full potential and harness these abilities to create a life filled with abundance and fulfillment.


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Chakra Balancing Meditation


An exquisitely crafted audio experience designed to guide you through a journey of self-discovery and energetic alignment. This product is perfect for anyone seeking to enhance their well-being, deepen their spiritual practice, and embrace the empowering journey of chakra balancing.


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Aura Reading


Our Aura Reading experience is designed to empower you with practical tools, insightful techniques, and intuitive guidance to master the art of reading auras. :rainbow:  Discover how to see auras with a brief overview of how to interpret aura colors, and begin to understand energy patterns. :art:


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Accessing Other Realms - Part 1 Elementals


Delve into the magical world of nature spirits, from fairies to gnomes, and understand their vital roles in maintaining harmony in the natural world.


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Accessing Other Realms - Part 2 Nature Spirits


Discover the spirits dwelling in nature's elements and learn how to honor and work with them for healing and balance.


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Other Topics

Self Love & Allowance
Visualizations & Energy Pulls
Clearing Loops
Money & Receiving
